Plant 12 bomen, krijg er 2 gratis



Lid sinds: Nov 25, 2021 ESSENSOR BV

And as you might expect we always work on the basis of scientific insights, using respondents from our extensive database. As our client, we guarantee you exclusivity.


Market Research


Foodvalley Wageningen

Aantal medewerkers

110 medewerkers


Bomen in ons bos


CO2 compensatie

50% van eigen

doel behaald

  • ESSENSOR BV heeft 5 bomen in Indonesië cadeau gedaan aan Jan Willem Steunenberg

    1 jaar geleden

  • ESSENSOR BV heeft 5 bomen in Indonesië cadeau gedaan aan Jan Willem Steunenberg

    1 jaar geleden

  • ESSENSOR BV heeft 5 bomen in Indonesië cadeau gedaan aan Jan Willem Steunenberg

    1 jaar geleden

  • ESSENSOR BV heeft 5 bomen in Indonesië cadeau gedaan aan Jan Willem Steunenberg

    1 jaar geleden

  • ESSENSOR BV heeft 5 bomen in Indonesië cadeau gedaan aan Jan Willem Steunenberg

    1 jaar geleden

  • ESSENSOR BV heeft 5 bomen in Indonesië cadeau gedaan aan Jan Willem Steunenberg

    1 jaar geleden

  • ESSENSOR BV heeft 5 bomen in Indonesië cadeau gedaan aan Jan Willem Steunenberg

    1 jaar geleden

Recente bomen


Cadeau gegeven bomen
Cadeau gekregen bomen
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Finding consumer & sensory insights for the successful development of your products

ESSENSOR Sensory Market Research is the authority and market leader in The Netherlands. For more than 25 years we have supported the food and non-food sectors in optimizing and selling products using market research that employs the human senses of smell, taste, vision, hearing and touch. Our advanced sensory research methods provide insight into improvement options.

Ons doel dit jaar is om 1.000 bomen te planten

“For a livable planet for our children”

Alard Verhoef
Consumer & Sensory Insight Expert, ESSENSOR BV

Projecten die ESSENSOR BV heeft gesteund

Their trees are directly impacting atmospheric CO2 levels.

  • 230trees

    geplant in


  • 270trees

    geplant in



for the successful development of your products

Analyses of successful products have shown time and again that the sensory properties are of crucial importance. In the Netherlands, ESSENSOR Sensory Market Research is the authority and market leader in this field.

Analyses of successful products have shown time and again that the sensory properties are of crucial importance. In the Netherlands, ESSENSOR Sensory Market Research is the authority and market leader in this field.

Would you be interested in discussing how your competitiveness can be improved using sensory research? Then we encourage you to contact us by phone at +31 318452222.

Ons doel dit jaar is om 1.000 bomen te planten

Alard Verhoef

Consumer & Sensory Insight Expert van ESSENSOR BV

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