Plant 12 bomen, krijg er 2 gratis

Bronze Founding partner


Lid sinds: Dec 2, 2021 JMango360

Today’s shoppers are mobile first. They use apps like Uber every day and expect the same mobile experience from your store. With 60% of traffic coming from mobile, you need to give your customers the shopping experience only an app can deliver.


Mobile Commerce Apps



Aantal medewerkers

50-75 employees


Bomen in ons bos


CO2 compensatie

100% van eigen

doel behaald

  • JMango360 heeft 500 bomen geplant in Uganda

    2 jaar geleden

  • JMango360 heeft 500 bomen geplant in Uganda

    2 jaar geleden

Recente bomen


Cadeau gegeven bomen
Cadeau gekregen bomen
Geplante bomen

As JMango360 we want to make a contribution to CO2 compensation.

We are pleased to plant trees together with WoodYouCare to have a positive impact on sustainability.

Ons doel dit jaar is om 1.000 bomen te planten

“JMango360 works with WoodYouCare to have a positive impact towards a more sustainable environment.”

Berry de Kort
CEO, JMango360

Projecten die JMango360 heeft gesteund

Their trees are directly impacting atmospheric CO2 levels.

  • 1000trees

    geplant in


JMango360 Mobile Commerce Apps

Your partner for mobile growth. Integrated apps and mobile solutions for every business.

JMango360 is the one-stop-shop to maximize your mobile results.
Our proven Open SaaS-solution is designed to avoid expensive custom app development.

We build a best-in-class mobile app that reflects your brand, live within weeks. Where others stop, we continue. Get full app marketing support to make sure you are off to a flying start.

Our Solutions:
- B2C Shopping Apps
- B2B Ordering Apps
- Mobile Business Solutions

Fully integrated with:
Adobe / Magento
Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Ons doel dit jaar is om 1.000 bomen te planten

Berry de Kort

CEO van JMango360

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