Rhosonics helps the industry to use ultrasonic technology for in-line measurements. The real-time process data allows operators to achieve process optimization in a safe, reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective way. This is how Rhosonics contributes to a greener and smarter industry.
Industrial Measuring Equipment
Aantal medewerkers
Bomen in ons bos
0 kg
CO2 compensatie
0 van eigen
doel behaald
Recente bomen
Rhosonics Analytical heeft 500 bomen geplant in Brazil
1 jaar geleden
Rhosonics Analytical heeft 500 bomen geplant in Brazil
1 jaar geleden
Rhosonics Analytical heeft 92 bomen in Indonesië cadeau gedaan aan Rhosonics Analytical
1 jaar geleden
Rhosonics Analytical heeft 1000 bomen geplant in Indonesië
1 jaar geleden
Rhosonics Analytical received 1 boom in Indonesië from Susanne van den Hoek
2 jaar geleden
Rhosonics Analytical heeft 1000 bomen geplant in Indonesië
2 jaar geleden
Recente bomen
Proven process insights for a greener and smarter industry
We are passionate in creating sustainable ultrasonic measuring technologies in collaboration with our partners by providing dynamic and efficient solutions.
Ons doel dit jaar is om 1.000 bomen te planten

“We strive to contribute to a greener and smarter industry. We see it as our job to develop and supply reliable measuring technologies that will allow our customers and partners to optimize their production processes and become more sustainable and efficient. Participating in WoodYouCare's CO2 compensation program further supports this mission.”
Projecten die Rhosonics Analytical heeft gesteund
Hun bomen hebben een directe invloed op het CO2-niveau in de atmosfeer.
2093 bomen
geplant inIndonesië
1000 bomen
geplant inBrazil
Rhosonics - Proven Process Insights
Founded in 1992, Rhosonics develops sustainable ultrasonic measuring instruments for process optimization.
Rhosonics is based in the Netherlands, in Putten. At our headquarters, we design, produce, and supply state-of-the-art ultrasonic sensors and analyzers for different industries, such as dredging, mineral processing, and semiconductors. The company cooperates with distributors and system integrators to offer the best technological solutions for specific applications.
Ons doel dit jaar is om 1.000 bomen te planten
Rick Hakvoort
CFO van Rhosonics Analytical