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Flying Penguin

Flying Penguin

Lid sinds: Jun 20, 2021 Flying Penguin

Flying Penguin supports companies & institutions to create sustainable, long-term personnel development programs. We involve all stakeholders (co-authorship) for maximum results. We believe in "doing", rather than talking about it.


Organizational & Personnel Development



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Projecten die Flying Penguin heeft gesteund

Hun bomen hebben een directe invloed op het CO2-niveau in de atmosfeer.

  • Geen projecten ondersteund...

Flying Penguin teaches your talent to fly

Your Talent Unlocked

We are a network organization, connecting specialists and organizations, so ambitions of change may be realized. The high level of expert knowledge and natural flexibility of entrepreneurs and small businesses is combined to form small teams willing and able to tackle challenges of even the largest of corporations and institutions.

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